This Parallel Parking Job Quickly Goes From Laughably Bad To Downright Cringe-Worthy

Parallel parking is a fact of life in many cities, but unfortunately some people just can’t handle it.

That’s clearly the case here as this driver struggles to park between a Cadillac CTS and a Toyota Prius C.

While the video starts midway through, the driver inches backwards and slams on the brakes several times. Despite this overly cautious approach, they almost get into the parking space.

Also Watch: Tightest Parallel Parking Record Broken Yet Again

However, all hell breaks loose as the driver accidently slams on the accelerator and backs into the CTS. This wasn’t just a ‘love tap’ either as the driver doesn’t let off the gas until they pushed the Cadillac into the car behind it. It also appears the driver managed to hop the curb.

Unfortunately, the craziness doesn’t end there as the driver apparently freaks out and shifts into drive before flooring it. As a result, they slam into the Prius C before cutting off a van in traffic.

Things quickly go downhill from there as the driver speeds into oncoming traffic and crashes into the wall of an underpass. While it’s hard to see, the vehicle appears to bounce off the wall and hit a silver sedan. The clip ends shortly thereafter, but not before we can see smoke rising from the underpass.

It remains unclear why the driver was struggling, but they’re not the only one to have mixed up the accelerator and brake. We’ve covered numerous incidents over the years including one where a driver accidently launched a Lamborghini into a lake.

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